Local Flavors + Amazing Art

Each variety highlights a unique piece of art from a local artist. We seek out obscure and intriguing works of art and artists to collaborate on our labels. Each vintage highlights a unique piece of art. Each bottle puts art in liquid and print out into the world for your viewing and tasting pleasure. So, support local art and enjoy your bottle, inside and out!

Art by 


Label Art for our Norse Cider - paying homage to the Norwegian heritage of our Founder and CiderMaster, Jeremy Jenson.

Art by 
  “Beneath the Layers”
    Label Art for our Rhubarb Rose’Cider
Art by: 

      Label Art for our HGOG Cider 
Art by: 
Happy Burbeck

"Coddling Moth"

Label Art for our Good Wood Barrel-Aged Cider

Art by: 
Happy Burbeck

These pieces were created to reflect the style of our ciders. We embrace the wild, the unmanaged, the let nature take its course sort of orchard care. Our apples aren’t sprayed, we share our apples with the coddling moth and the other wild things that happen to find their way to our orchard, including the living yeast that made our ferments possible.